Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Contact Us

We are always looking for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, so we are genuinely curious about your idea. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are starting to think seriously about starting a business and want to know how we can help you develop your idea and launch your company.

Lena Öhlund profilbild

Lena Öhlund

Operations Manager
Kerstin Edvardsson profilbild

Kerstin Edvardsson

Project Manager (on parental leave)
Jenny Björs profilbild

Jenny Björs

Porträtt på Karin Borge Renberg inomhus

Karin Borge Renberg

Project Manager

Find us

We are located in the center of Umeå. You’re welcome to visit us!

BIC Factory
Rådhusesplanaden 6 F
903 28 Umeå

Karta BIC Factory Umeå

Karta från OpenStreetMap