We help you get your business off to a smart start

BIC Factory is a business incubator that works to discover and help young entrepreneurs start businesses in Umeå. If you’re between 18 and 40 years old and ready to invest in your business idea, we’ll help you develop your company for two years. We offer a creative environment, tailored business support, and access to a strong network. This provides the ideal conditions to launch a startup and gives you a shortcut into the world of business.
Ja, våra superfina lokaler finns på bästa läget mitt i Umeå, men det finns också möjligheter för andra och för fler! Vårt digitala koncept, BIC-Workaround, ger dig som vill delta från till exempel Arvidsjaur, Arjeplog eller Västerbottens inland motsvarande stöd på distans.
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An incubator place is advantageous in many ways, including fees. It costs between SEK 1,740 and SEK 2,330 per month, excluding VAT, depending on whether you select a spot in our open-plan space or opt for a private office. A place in our digital incubator costs SEK 1,200 per month, excluding VAT. As a young entrepreneur in Västerbotten’s inland municipalities and Arvidsjaur and Arjeplog, we offer a reduced price of SEK 750 (excluding VAT) per month thanks to our funding from Region Västerbotten.
Our target group is young entrepreneurs up to 40 years old who have recently started or are about to start a company in Umeå, Västerbotten’s inland municipalities or Arvidsjaur and Arjeplog. We welcome anyone who has turned 18 and finished with high school studies. Of course, you can always contact us if you want to discuss your idea and ways to develop it further.
You get business coaching tailored to your needs, lectures and workshops, access to a strong network, and membership to a community of entrepreneurs. As a young entrepreneur in Umeå you get a fully furnished office space for two people in a creative environment with unrestricted access to reliable WIFI, meeting spaces, printing facilities, and coffee machines to help you stay focused on growing your business.
The biggest difference is the help you get to develop and grow your startup. You are accepted to join us because we believe in you and your business idea, so at BIC Factory, you get two years of coaching and guidance adapted to your needs. A co-working space can be a good solution when you emerge from our incubator and set up an office of your own.
You can be with us for two years. After that time, the idea is that you can stand on your own two feet and grow your company independently.
Answer the questions in this form. We will contact you and start the application process.