Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Aptum- Gazelle winner for the second year in a row

Nine years ago, the silence began Aptum up their business with BIC Factory. Today, Gustav Nord and Gustav Paringer run a company with a turnover of SEK 65 million and almost 50 employees. Now they are gazelle winners for the second year in a row.

- The number of fires is decreasing, but the costs of fires are increasing. Our idea to help companies with training and safer protection against fire and accidents turned out to come just in time, says Paringer. For the second year in a row, their company Aptum was recently praised as one of the country's most prosperous growth companies. Gustav and Gustav are now well established as experts in fire protection and protection against accidents.
- Previously, we had for quite some time trained companies and the public sector on various types of security issues. In the end, we had so many requests even in our spare time that we decided to start our own, says Gustav Paringer, 35, who is today CEO. In 2006 the first employee was hired, in 2009 there were four people and today they have almost 50 employees.

- When we sat and dreamed most about our future development in 2009, we thought that 15 employees within four years was reasonable. That we are now almost 50 feels fantastic, says Gustav Nord, 34. The company has five business areas in fire and various protection sectors. Training and advice is an important part of the business, but also installation and service of advanced security solutions. The customers range from large mining companies such as Boliden and LKAB, to industries, the public sector, construction companies and tenant-owner associations.

- We are located throughout Norrland and it feels very fun when we see that our idea of a holistic approach to protection against accidents and fire is also something that customers want, says Gustav Nord.
Aptum established itself on the market at a time when insurance companies' statistics show that the costs of fires are increasing, despite the number decreasing.
- It shows that preventive work pays off and companies are aware of that. When we started, there was a great demand for a partner who could deliver a total solution to these issues, so without particularly great marketing, we have grown thanks to the customers' trust and the fact that they tipped each other about us.

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