Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

”Man kan ta företaget från BIC men inte BIC från företaget”

Aliceph is in her last week as a BIC entrepreneur and it has been a developing time for her. The customers have become more and the assignments have become more fun.

- I do not know if I would have been where I am today without BIC. It has been a huge support, says Alice.

During her time at BIC, Aliceph has developed both her identity as an entrepreneur and her customer base. Recently, her work was crowned with a collaboration with TedX Umeå.

- I wrote the texts on the web and the presentations of the lecturers and then I was there as a guest and listened to the lectures. I think it was great fun to be a small mini sponsor and at the same time be part of the event. It is an event that Umeå needs because we have so much to say to the world here, there are many interesting local people and companies who have important messages.

How do you think you have developed your company during your time at BIC?
- During these two years as a newly started company, BIC has been a huge support, I do not know if I would have been where I am now without BIC. In the last six months, I have received many nice customers and fun assignments. It simply rolls on. I am starting to become better known as a consultant in my industry, which is nice.

How does your future look?
- Now I am looking for new premises for my business. My new website will be launched soon and it will be clearer about who I am, how I work and what I should work with. The plan is to grow more and develop as an entrepreneur. But I do not think you will be completely relocated from BIC. You can take the company from BIC but never BIC from the company.

What can you afford for future entrepreneurs who come to BIC?
- Take advantage of the expertise that is in BIC's network, both with companies that have been here and those that are here now, but also with business advisors. It is important to be careful about using these opportunities as it gives a huge advantage to the company.

- Collaborate instead of competing, there will always be companies that do almost the same thing as you. But try to find common ground, where you can both give and receive back. And network all the time, with companies here and also outside the BIC building.

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