Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Seven new boards ready for BIC companies

The competence development in BIC Factory continues. In recent weeks, seven companies at BIC Factory have been assigned shadow boards to help them drive their companies forward. The board members have expert knowledge in everything from sales and marketing to business development and with their knowledge will help companies to grow.

BIC Factory has arranged so that seven of the newly moved companies that are in their premises have each received a shadow board. Shadow boards have an advisory role and give entrepreneurs the opportunity to gain access to their expertise in various business areas that can benefit their business.

- It is important for me to spend a lot of time producing boards that are right for the companies. They must both be committed and have the right skills, says Lena Öhlund, operations manager at BIC Factory.

For companies, these boards mean that they get access to a larger network, advice and the opportunity for new business. And the expectations among entrepreneurs are high.

- It means a lot to be able to take part in my board's impressive competence and experience. I hope they can guide me in the right direction, then it's up to me to get there, explains Johanna Lindqvist who runs the company Knäck Media.

For the board members, it is not only a challenge to join a shadow board, but also an opportunity to get something out of it yourself.

- I want to contribute inspiration, knowledge and my network to Style Level, but it is also an opportunity for me to learn things that I can bring to my other businesses, says Torstein Bratvold who owns and runs Bratvold Invest.

- I would like to give something back to BIC and the companies here as I also had a shadow board when I started up at BIC Factory. I want to contribute with knowledge, competence and pepper the company as best I can, explains Ida Backlund, founder of the company Rapunzel of Sweden and also a partner and board member of the company Style Level.

Compiling shadow boards is one of many important tasks BIC Factory has in its work to create good conditions for companies. And it is a support that is appreciated by entrepreneurs.

- I think it is fantastic fun to work together with the contractor with the needs inventory and the actual matching of boards. When I then receive feedback from the companies and they think that it is successful and that they are developing, we get confirmation that the investment is right, says Lena Öhlund.

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