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På bild från vänster: Ivan Fischer och Emil Westrin från 84 Grams.
Ivan Fischer och Emil Westrin från 84 Grams. Foto: Kristoffer Pettersson, Stoffe Pettersson Media.

The ISP 84 Grams grows and further strengthens the team. New to the company is Ivan Fischer who takes on the role of key account manager.

- Ever since the start, we have had strong growth, which we are enormously grateful and happy about. The most important thing for us, however, is to maintain the high level of service we have towards our customers, so we simply needed to become more. It went so well that we worked with Ivan before and think he matches the profile we are looking for. Both with his drive, his knowledge, sense of service and that he, just like us, is passionate about Norrland, says Emil Westrin, sales manager 84 Grams.

Ivan Fischer has worked for seven years in the IT industry and most recently came from a position as a company salesman with an industry colleague. In the new role, the main responsibility is to ensure good relations with both new and existing customers.

- I have had a long time to prepare and long, so it feels super exciting to finally start the service at 84 Grams. It feels extra fun when the company is still so new and that we share the same values and morals - it creates space for me to shape the work and be able to convey services to customers with a clear conscience, which feels good in the stomach, says Ivan Fischer, key account manager 84 Grams.

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