Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Ekonomikonsult goes his own way and starts a company

Hanna Wiik som driver Ekonomikollen erbjuder ekonomitjänster till små och medelstora bolag.
Hanna Wiik, Ekonomikollen. Foto: Malin Grönborg

Ekonomikollen is a newly started company run by Hanna Wiik. Based on customers' operations and needs, Ekonomikollen offers personalized financial services to companies.

Hanna Wiik has in recent years worked at an accounting firm in Stockholm. In 2016, she chose to start a company at home in Umeå.

- To have the honor of working with several companies and see their business develop is a huge driving force for me in my work, says Hanna Wiik.

Ekonomikollen offers financial services to small and medium-sized companies, primarily in the Umeå region. The company works long-term with its customers but also takes on shorter assignments. It can be about everything from financial advice and administration to current accounting and payroll management. An important part is to work with the customer to create financial routines and working methods that are adapted to the business and the prevailing need.

- Economy is so incredibly white and wide. My starting point is to have a personal and adapted way of working towards my customers. Different routines are required for different customers, so it is important to be responsive. By getting to know the customer and understanding the customer's needs, I have the opportunity to improve processes and address issues that have not been addressed before, says Hanna.

One of the reasons why Hanna started a company was her curiosity and interest in working with different types of companies and gaining experience from different industries.

- The challenge is to run my own company. I learn a lot in the exchange with the companies I work with. In addition, sitting at BIC together with other start-up companies is very motivating. Here I get the opportunity to develop in areas that are new to me. When things are going well for the other companies, I am also motivated, says Hanna.

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