Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Umeå contractor launches new podcast "Entrepreneur journey"

Isak Björnström lanserar ny podcast Entreprenörsresan

Entrepreneur Isak Björnström releases a new podcast, Entreprenörsresan, with a premiere on 11 May. In it, Isak talks to people who share experiences and tips from their journey as entrepreneurs.

In the podcast Entreprenörsresan, Isak Björnström meets a guest every week who has started a business and, during his journey, gained experience and insights. In each section, the entrepreneur's background, business concept, challenges and future are discussed. Each guest also shares several tips.

- The idea with the podcast is that it should be interesting, educational and exciting to listen to. It should be an inspiration boost for entrepreneurs or people who are considering starting a business. There are so many people who carry ideas, but who want and do not take the step and test them. These are the ones I want to reach out to, says Isak Björnström.

The idea for the podcast came to Isak when he started the company Caicla and wanted to share experiences that other entrepreneurs carry. The podcast gives more people the opportunity to learn the same lessons from those he interviews.

- I get happy after every interview. It is extremely exciting to meet and talk with other entrepreneurs. It has also given me good contacts and networks. Now that I have recorded nine episodes, I am starting to see a common thread in everyone's experiences, says Isak Björnström.

The episodes, which are about 30 minutes, are released every Thursday starting May 11. The first episode is hosted by the entrepreneur Edvin Frohm from Jo Kommunikation, who started his company at BIC Factory. This section is launched in collaboration with Almi Företagspartner Nord and the growth program TRIUMF.

Podcasten finns på iTunes (Podcaster) och Acast under namnet ”Entreprenörsresan”.
The first section can be found here:

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