Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Inspiration to write better texts

For the third year in a row, the former BIC company organized Better Text the conference Present tense och i år var temat ”Språk och makt”. Under dagen fick deltagarna, främst personer som skriver i jobbet, ta del av föredrag från experter på området.

Among other things, Elfrida Bergman, cultural analyst, talked about how she through the project Queering Sápmi helped to create a platform for Sami that does not fit into either the Sami or colonized norm.

Both Elfrida and Karin Milles, associate professor of Swedish, discussed how language can be used as a political tool and how the lack of words makes norms visible.

- Boys have snot and I have… what? says Elfrida.

Another lecturer was AnnaKarin Nyberg, internet researcher and senior lecturer in informatics, and also a member of the BIC company Knäck Media's board. She talked with Mikael Wiberg, with the same title, about ruling techniques in social media. Together, they have written a book on the subject in which they discuss how the classic ruler techniques have acquired many nuances that are used daily online.

- A good counter-strategy to such behavior is to respond to it with kindness. It is difficult to continue to be mean to someone who is kind to you, says AnnaKarin.

AnnaKarin Nyberg gave a lecture at the Presence Conference which was arranged by Anna Norman and Lisa Rönnblom, Better Text.

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