Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

New concept is expected to strengthen BIC Factory's entrepreneurs

Bic Factory

This autumn, BIC Factory launches the concept "hotdesk" which makes it possible for relocated companies to rent temporary office space. The solution complements the incubator business by providing more access to the creative environment available at BIC Factory.

Since 1998, BIC Factory has offered premises, support and networks to start-up companies in Umeå. The incubator operations are now supplemented with office space that relocated companies have the opportunity to rent. It can be a single day, a week or a month. The investment is part of BIC Factory's work to support companies even after the two-year incubation period.

- As we have noticed that some companies today demand increasingly flexible office solutions, we have furnished a room with three office spaces that the relocated companies can easily book via our website. We already have contact with two companies that plan to rent places when needed during the autumn, says Kerstin Edvardsson, project manager digital investment.

- We believe in long-term work with incubator companies and are therefore keen to keep in touch with relocated companies. Our hope is that the investment contributes to an even more vibrant environment and an increased exchange between companies that are in the incubator today and companies that have been here before. The offer will also be valuable for companies that have been at BIC Factory for two years but have not found a suitable location to move to, says Lena Öhlund, operations manager.

For further information, contact; Lena Öhlund, mobile; 0703-76 25 37

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