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84 Grams, den snabbast växande internetleverantören av företagstjänster i Umeås stadsnät. På bild: Navid Haghjo, vd, Emil Westrin, försäljningschef, och Ulrik Kärrman, teknisk chef.
På bild: Navid Haghjo, vd, Emil Westrin, försäljningschef, och Ulrik Kärrman, teknisk chef. Foto: Edel Puntonet, EdelPhoto

Barely a year after the establishment is 84 Grams now the fastest growing internet provider of business services in Umeå's city network, Umenet. The figures are presented by Umeå Energi, which provides the open city network where a number of strong and well-established service providers are represented.

- As an upstart in the industry, this is the best receipt we can get. This shows that there is a need for a supplier with a local presence who prioritises the customer's needs. Umeå is our home ground and this is where we have our hearts, so it is fun that we have made an impression in such a short time and are an important player for companies in the region. An example of this is VK Media's investment in broadband "Odyr surf", where our broadband is the basis for the offer, says Navid Haghjo, CEO of 84 Grams.

- It is fun to see that our collaboration with 84 Grams generates new corporate customers in the city network UmeNet. 84 Grams is an exciting local player with a forward-thinking spirit that offers stable internet with personal service, which we believe is an important part of our city network offering, says Mats Berggren, CEO of Umeå Energi Umenet AB. We look forward to continued good cooperation and many new customer relationships.

- The entire IT market is constantly in motion, while many suppliers are static. We build our solutions based on customer-unique needs that require us to be present and have a good dialogue. I would say that is our strength and success factor, says Emil Westrin, sales manager, 84 Grams.

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