Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen


Esther von Schoenberg

The company EVONS Creative Voice Solutions AB, led by opera singer Esther von Schoenberg, has recently taken a seat with us to develop its holistic voice training app Vocalise. The app is primarily aimed at soloists and choirs who are already familiar with classical voice technology.

- With the app, I hope that people will discover that they can develop their ability and find the joy of singing. The voice should not be an obstacle and with the app I want to show that regular practice gives skill, says Esther von Schoenberg.

Thanks to support from Almi, the Västerbotten Region and the European Regional Development Fund, a first version of the Vocalise app is available for download on the website (

The idea for the app came to Esther in connection with her suffering from joint loosening during her second pregnancy, something that also affected her ability to sing.

- To remedy my problems, I tested a training app that helped me find both motivation and regularity in my training. It was in connection with that that I realized that I needed something similar to develop my own singing technique, says Esther.

Vocalise is the company's first service. In the long run, the ambition is to offer a breadth of different training programs to more target groups where the song is the common denominator. She is currently investigating whether the voice training app can also function as rehabilitation support for people who have suffered brain damage.

- I want so much with my company and really feel that I have ended up right at BIC Factory which has already given me a push in the right direction. Already have a strong team of experts attached to my company. For me, it is important that I develop services that are scientifically based, says Esther.

Esther has her origins in the Netherlands and came to Sweden for the first time in connection with her participation in a singing camp in Härnösand where she also met her current husband who is born in Umeå. Esther has a master's degree in opera and classical singing and has previously worked as a soloist, singing teacher and professional choir singer.


Esther von Schoenberg; 073-835 45 18,,


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