Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen

Two BIC companies in collaboration want to reduce waste in digitalisation


The companies Thnx Innovation and Tensaii sitter neighbors at BIC Factory and both work with digitization. With their joint experience, they can lead development projects where the user is at the center and where the result has a high efficiency. They collaborate with each other because they have the same picture of how to conduct innovation and digitization processes. Together, they think they can take on larger projects with global customers. We believe in a model that strengthens us, especially when we work to solve something that we believe is a major societal problem today. They believe that there is a big problem with today's digitalisation projects, that a huge amount of money is wasted on building the wrong project, in the wrong way, with the wrong technology and with the wrong resources.

“It is in our strategy to take responsibility for raising the competence of our customers and thus we wish that in the future we will see better spent tax money and investments. In healthcare alone, digitization can save 180 million per year if it is done in an optimal way ", says Paul Alvarado Mendoza, CEO of Tensaii AB

“Even today's startups that work with digital innovations have the same problem. When an entrepreneur in a business has an idea and starts his journey, it is extremely important that you have a high efficiency of what you develop. So that you use your frugal capital as efficiently as possible. Learning from the entrepreneur's target group needs to start long before the first line of code is written and you have to deliver the most important functions to your target group as soon as you can. ”, Says Richard Lindberg, CEO of Thnx Innovation AB.

Tensaii are experts in understanding problems and needs through the design process. By including users at an early stage, useful solutions are created with greater precision. Thnx Innovation works with high technical competence and long experience of the development process to solve problems with the right technology and in the right order. Together, they can lead the entire innovation process from need to finished product with high efficiency.



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