Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen


Roberth Jonsson, grundare av Zatisfy, har flyttat in på BIC Factory. Företaget hjälper företag med CE-märkning.
Roberth Jonsson, Zatisfy

The Småland company Pamex plastic AB, active in plastics manufacturing, has changed as a result of the corona crisis and now manufactures protective visors to assist in the fight against Covid-19. Production is in full swing and the Umeå company Zatisfy has been commissioned to help with the CE marking of the product.

- We are developing a user manual that matches the requirements of the directive for the standard and guides them further. We have a delivery time for a complete CE marking of about three weeks and help to make the process as smooth as possible for the customer, says Roberth Jonsson, founder of Zatisfy.

- We investigated the possibilities of quickly CE-marking and entering the market with our visor for healthcare and that was exactly what Zatisfy offered. We provide them with the information they need and the rest takes care of them, says Andreas Wilhelmsson, CEO of Pamex.

The finished products will mainly be sold to healthcare in Sweden and the rest of the EU. Due to the current situation, the test institutes in the EU prioritize testing of products for healthcare that require CE marking. For the company Zatisfy, personal protective equipment is a new business area.

- It is fun to learn something new and in this case contribute to vital equipment coming to market quickly. I already receive questions from other companies and am now putting together solutions for CE-marking other protective equipment, such as face masks, says Roberth Jonsson, Zatisfy.

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