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Bild på Roberth Jonsson, Zatisfy, Elias Andersson, Capivo, Josefine Egerszegi och Kristoffer Pettersson, Stoffe Pettersson Media som samverkat kring en digital utbildning inom CE-märkning.
Från vänster: Roberth Jonsson, Zatisfy, Elias Andersson, Capivo, Josefine Egerszegi och Kristoffer Pettersson, Stoffe Pettersson Media. Foto: Kristoffer Pettersson

The startup company Zatisfy is launching a free digital education in CE marking that teaches and provides a basic understanding of what it is and the approach.

- Even though I myself am knowledgeable in CE marking, I know that it can be difficult to find the way to a finished CE-marked product. We want to help de-dramatize the process and make it available to more people, and this is one way to do it, says Roberth Jonsson, founder of Zatisfy.

The training is developed through a collaborative project between Zatisfy and three entrepreneurs who, like Roberth, run their businesses from the business incubator BIC Factory in Umeå.

- Thanks to BIC Factory, I got to know people close at hand who have the skills I need, so it was obvious for me to work with them. Elias Andersson from Capivo with his competence in digital education and background as a teacher, Kristoffer Petterson who filmed and edited all moving material and Josefine Egerszegi, designer, who created the illustrations in the education, says Roberth Jonsson.

It is through Region Västerbotten's conversion check that the company has been granted funds to enable the project and through Bracke Forest, the company has found its first test person and ideal customer.

- CE marking is complex and the digital education that Zatisfy has developed has given me a very good basic understanding of the concept, how directives and standards are connected and not least how to reach the CE marking in the end, says Hans Eriksson, Bracke Forest.

Link to the education
Link to more info about Region Västerbotten's adjustment check


CE marking is a product marking which means that the manufacturer guarantees and takes responsibility for the product complying with the laws and requirements imposed on the product. The requirements are different depending on which directive the product falls under. The directives are the legal requirement that must be complied with and standards are used to do so. Standards, in turn, are documents that describe in more detail the requirements that are set. CE marking is a broad concept that covers many product groups such as machines, toys and personal protective equipment.


Zatisfy was founded in 2018 by Roberth Jonsson and focuses on supporting and coaching companies in product and plant safety. Zatisfy consults in most product groups but with a focus area around machines and has customers all over the world. In 2020, the first digital undergraduate education in CE marking was launched.

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