Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen


Keep up with what's happening with us at BIC Factory!

16 June 2014
We welcome Adam Stolterman, illustrator and artist, to BIC Factory. Adam loves helping others communicate what they want to say
16 June 2014
Psykepedia is the company that is passionate about increasing the public's knowledge about mental illness. On April 23, the company is organizing a conference on the theme Girls with mental illness in
16 June 2014
Under förra veckan utsågs smyckesdesignern JohannaN till ”Årets Unga Entreprenör Norr 2014”, nominerad av BIC Factory och Ung Företagssamhet. Priset delades ut av Umeås näringslivschef Roland Carlsson. Bakom utmärkelsen
16 June 2014
Last week, the company Mobile Partner attracted attention with an article in Umeå Tidning. The company started its operations at BIC four years ago and is now ready for