Medfinansieras av Europeiska unionen


Keep up with what's happening with us at BIC Factory!

Rivia Sports ställer om till framtidens handel
31 May 2018
Rivia Sports is taking the next step towards the trade of the future. The investment means greater focus on e-commerce in combination with events in the form of pop-up stores around
BIC Factory
24 January 2018
After a full 19 years at Umestan, BIC Factory is moving its operations to new premises in the old library building in central Umeå. - It has
Billy och Filip Palmberg, grundare av OnDesk kontorsmaterial och
21 December 2017
Brothers Billy and Filip Palmberg run two e-commerce companies together. Now they and the two businesses are moving into the business incubator BIC Factory. Via OnDesk offers
7 July 2017
Since 2015, we have been running a digital initiative towards the target group of young entrepreneurs, which has recently been evaluated by the Academy of the Regions, which specializes in evaluating projects. The evaluation